EETS Domain Statement Blankenburgverbinding

Below you will find the 1.2 version of the EETS domain statement and EETS agreement Blankenburgverbinding. This new version contains some changes compared to the 1.1 version, published on the 6th of february 2024. The changes mainly concern the following matters:

  • Every toll service provider must provide the Toll charger at first with an ISAE 3000 assurance (type 2) statement no later than 15 months after start of their services. 
  • Every toll service provider must provide the Toll charger with a proof of EN ISO-9001-certification (or equivalent accreditation) no later than 12 months after start of their services. 

No rights can be derived from the above text.

EETS Domain Statement Blankenburgverbinding- including annexes

EDS Blankenburgverbinding - incl annexes (v1.2) (pdf, 1mb)

EETS Domain Statement Blankenburgverbinding - excluding annexes

EETS Domain Statement Blankenburgverbinding - excl annexes (v1.2) (pdf, 1mb)


EDS Blankenburgverbinding EN Annex I Model EETS agreement (pdf, 195kb)

Annex II - Model bank guarantee (v1.2) (pdf, 159kb)

Annex III - Testing process accreditation (v1.2) (pdf, 318kb)

Annex IV - Data protection (v1.2) (pdf, 132kb)

Annex V - Intellectual property rights (v1.2) (pdf, 148kb)

Annex VI - Risk management, data management, information security and assurance (v1.2) (pdf, 489kb)

Annex VII - Key Performance Indicators (v1.2) (pdf, 178kb)


The English translation is for reference purposes only, it is not legally binding and no rights can be derived from it. In case of any inconsistency between the formal Dutch EETS-gebiedsverklaring Blankenburgverbinding on the one hand and this indicative translation on the other hand, the formal Dutch version of the EETS Domain Statement shall prevail.

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