Good to know
- A correction must be requested before the reminder due date.
- You cannot object to a payment reminder.
- Did you request the correction on time? Then you do not need to pay the payment reminder as long as the request is being processed by us.
Always pay tolls on time
With automatic payment, you always pay the toll on time. For more information, see automatic payment.
Do you prefer post?
Can't apply for a correction digitally? In that case, send us a letter with the following information.
- The toll number. You can find this number on the payment reminder.
- Your registration number. You can find this number on the payment reminder.
- The reason for your request for a correction. Choose 1 of these reasons:
- The amount I have to pay is not correct.
- The vehicle in the pictures is not my vehicle.
- My vehicle was stolen, and I reported it to the police.
- The vehicle was no longer registered in my name at the time it used the toll road. Please note: Send the following documents along.
- I have a toll dispensation.
- The toll road was toll-free at the time I drove over it.
- Other reason (please specify in your letter).
No Dutch registration number
Your vehicle does not have a Dutch registration number? In that case, send the following documents along:
- For reason 1: a copy of the registration certificate.
- For reason 3: copy of registration certificate and police report.
- For reason 4: copy of release certificate.
For any other reason, you don't need to send a document along.
Send your letter to
RDW Tolheffing
P.O. Box 304
9640 AH Veendam